Runway Frame Interpolation
ModelsRunwayRunway Frame Interpolation

Runway Frame Interpolation

Frame Interpolation is a tool offered by Runway that lets you seamlessly transition still images into one another and create videos with fluid movement. Using advanced algorithms, you can create realistic videos with several keyframes in a matter of minutes.

Image to Video
Text to Video
Image to Video

Click to upload an image

Upload JPG/PNG images up to 10MB, with a minimum width/height of 300px.

Key Features of Runway Frame Interpolation

  • Seamless Interpolated Frames: Generates new frames to create more fluid viewing experiences.
  • Generate Creative Videos: create innovative morphing or blending videos
  • Set Multiple Keyframes: Upload several diverse images as keyframes to create longer visual sequences.
  • Adjustable Transition Time: Adjust how long each transition takes from one frame to another.
  • Extendable Duration: Extend the video clip’s duration up to a maximum of 20 seconds.

Seamless Interpolated Frames

Runway uses advanced algorithms to generate new intermediate frames designed to seamlessly fit in between images. This ensures visual fluidity is maintained and minimizes common artifacts like ghosting or blurring.

Images Output video
seamless 1
seamless 2
seamless 3
seamless 4

Generate Creative Morphing or Blending Videos

With Runway's Frame Interpolation, you can create fun morphing or blending videos such as an object appearing, transforming into another object and disappearing or melting. And this application can produce creative results if combined with Runway's other AI video editing features such as Erase and Replace.

Images Output video
morph 1

morph 2

Multiple Keyframes

Runway lets you upload multiple images to use as keyframes in the interpolation process. This means you can produce longer video clips and the more frames you input, the smoother the transitions will be, which ensures even greater quality output.


Adjustable Transition Time

The Runway Frame Interpolation tool makes it possible to adjust how long the transition between one frame to another will take. As a result, you can freely customize the output with slower or faster interpolation across multiple frames.


Extendable Clip Duration

Runway’s Frame Interpolation tool allows you to extend your videos up to 20 seconds in duration. This makes it possible for you to use existing images to create longer visual sequences that are more captivating and engaging.


What People Are Talking About Runway Frame Interpolation on Reddit

Some users have accessed Runway’s Frame Interpolation tool and used it to develop stunning visual sequences, as you can see below.

by u/charitypiephotos from discussion
in runwayml

They also confirmed that some images may not work well with each other, so it is more effective to select and upload images that complement each other for quality results.

by u/charitypiephotos from discussion
in runwayml

YouTube Videos About Runway Frame Interpolation

What People Are Talking About Runway Frame Interpolation on X


What is frame interpolation?

What kinds of videos can I create with Runway’s Frame Interpolation tool?

How many keyframes does Runway’s Frame Interpolation tool support?

Is Runway Frame Interpolation free?

Can you use different images on Runway Frame Interpolation?

How long does Runway take to interpolate images?

Try Runway on Pollo AI Now!

Try Runway on Pollo AI Now!

As an all-in-one AI video generator, Pollo AI offers a more accessible way for you to try Runway's AI video generation capabilities.